An enthusiastic developer.

My name is Fabjola.

I am a finance graduate with a passion for coding and technology. The last two years have been a fantastic journey for me, starting with the decision to change career and embark on the self-taught journey of learning programming. Continuous courses, contribution to open source and small part-time jobs, have been the biggest help to better understand technology. The main focus has been learning CSS, Javascript and Php, while the main frameworks have been Tailwind CSS, Vue and Laravel. Recently, I have also entered into the field of software testing, improving my skills through a dedicated course. I am driven by a strong determination to further expand my knowledge and actively contribute to the technology industry.
My Projects
Project #10 - Creating CupBook with Vue Routing and Tailwind CSS

Welcome to CupBook, a project imagined as a cozy heaven for book lovers and avid readers alike. Developed with Vue 3 Composition API, Vue Routing and Tailwind CSS. Involves filtering books by searching, validating forms, and handling complex design requirements.

Used technology: Vue 3, Tailwind Css
Project #9 - Recreating Booking Page with Tailwind CSS in blade components.

I recently undertook a project to recreate the Booking page, showcasing the capabilities of Tailwind CSS in Laravel's Blade components. The seamless integration of Tailwind's utility-first approach allowed for efficient styling, resulting in a responsive and engaging user interface.

Used technology: Tailwind CSS, Laravel blades
Project #8 - Creating a CRUD app with Laravel and Tailwind CSS.

The app is about creating a wishlist. The user can add, edit and delete items from it. The site is designed for products that a user wants to buy, divided by categories. It is built with Laravel and Tailwind CSS.

Used technology: Tailwind CSS, Laravel
Project #7 - Creating a blog page using Laravel.

Creating a blog - with categories, tags, comments, email notifications, search, filtering and more. The site is built with Laravel and Tailwind CSS. The blog is a great way to learn how to build a CRUD app with Laravel.

Used technology: Tailwind CSS, Laravel 8
Laravel Blog
Project #6 - Building Pig Game with JavaScript.

The game is about throwing the dice and can be played by two people. Whoever scores 100 points first, wins the game. But the game can be interrupted at any moment to start a new one by clicking the New Game button. This project helped me to learn how to think and work like a developer: problem-solving, researching, workflows

Used technology: Javascript
Pig Game
Project #5 - Building the Guess My Number game with JavaScript.

The game consists of finding the randomly generated number. The number must be from 1 to 20. Every time the player puts a wrong number in 'Check!', points are reduced in 'Score'. The 'Again' button serves to start a new game. Developed with JavaScript and learning its fundamentals such as: variables, if/else, operators, boolean logic, functions, arrays, objects, loops, strings.

Used technology: Javascript
Guess My Number
Project #4 - Creating a travel website with SCSS.

Building this website offered me a good opportunity to get into the depth of CSS. It includes understanding CSS basics like cascading, specification, and inheritance, as well as advanced concepts like component-based design, BEM methodology, and writing reusable code. It also includes working with SVG images and videos in HTML and CSS to create effects like background video. Through this project, I learned how to develop complex animated buttons, sleek navigation menus, popups and other impressive features.

Used technology: CSS, Sass
Project #3 - Building a recipes site with Tailwind.

Life seems easier after switching from CSS to Tailwind. Learning how classes work in Tailwind. The site contains Grids, Buttons, Sidebar and positioning of page elements with Flexbox. Also, includes responsive classes.

Used technology: CSS, Tailwind CSS
Recipes For Ninjas
Project #2 - Building a dog dating site with Bootstrap.

Building a dog dating site seems a lot of fun when you combine it with Bootstrap. Learning how to install Bootstrap, creating the Navigation Bar, Grid Layout, Containers, Cards, Z index, Carousel, Pricing Tables, and refactoring.

Used technology: CSS, Bootstrap
Dog Dating Site
Project #1 - Making A Personalized Website using CSS

The first project is the moment when you learn that there is something more than just a basic page with Html. Learning my first concepts about CSS Syntax, CSS Selectors, Display Property, Positioning, Float and other basic things of pure CSS.

Used technology: CSS